
Rhubarb is a wonderful plant, with many uses and application. This web site is all about rhubarb. Since June 1994 these web pages have been available to anyone interested in gaining an understanding and appreciation of this fine vegetable. This compendium is a collection of rhubarb information from many sources.

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Rhubarb Recipes Index

Rhubarb is incredibly versatile with many culinary uses. Try it in cakes and desserts, pastries, jams, pickles, conserves, sauces and, of course, wine. There may be several recipes by the same name but they are different (although sometimes only slightly, I have tried to remove the duplicates). There are now over 300 recipes in this collection. Remember, only the stalks are edible, don't eat the leaves or roots.
Rhubarb Bars, squares and such
Rhubarb Muffins
Rhubarb Breads
Rhubarb Pickles
Rhubarb Cakes
Rhubarb Pie Recipes
Rhubarb Candy (coming soon)
Pork & Beef entrés with Rhubarb
Chicken (and other poultry) entrés with rhubarb 
Rhubarb Puddings, yogurts, sorbet, trifle and frozen deserts
Rhubarb Cobblers, crisps, fools, crunches, and crumbles
Rhubarb Sauces, chutney, relish, salsa, compote and stewed rhubarb
Rhubarb Cookies
Rhubarb Salads and salad dressings
Rhubarb Desserts
Rhubarb Souffle (coming soon)
Rhubarb Drinks, other than wine
Rhubarb Soup
Rhubarb Dumplings (coming soon)
Rhubarb Tarts
Fish entres with Rhubarb
Rhubarb Triffle (coming soon)
Frozen Rhubarb
Rhubarb Wine and other fermented forms of rhubarb
Rhubarb Jam, jellies, conserves, preserves and marmalades
Rhubarb Stuff, things with rhubarb that defy these simple categories

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